News, 01 May 2024

Central banks do Dusty Springfield

Economic Update - April 2024

Central banks have been wishin’ and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin' that inflation would keep falling all the way back to their 2% target. Sure, the last mile will be the hardest they said. Well the US and Australia have just hit i...

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News, 02 Apr 2024

Stock Market Highs Amidst Global Economic Shifts

Economic Update - March 2024

Bridges may be crashing down, cargo ships sinking in the Red Sea, and the Panama canal drying up but the major stock markets continue to push new highs. If we are in an AI stock market bubble, surely ChatGPT would tell me? The US has gone from &ldqu...

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Insights, 12 Mar 2024

Is the US in a debt spiral?

Chart of the Month - March 2024

Have you ever looked at your credit card or mortgage interest payments and felt sick? Well, the US federal government is expected to pay USD 870 billion in interest payments this year which is around USD 48 billion more than it is expected to spend on d...

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News, 12 Jan 2024

Flight into 2024: December's Economic Departure Lounge

Economic Update - December 2023

The copyright to Peter Pan is now in the public domain. While Peter won’t grow up, we have economies that are not quite ready to slow down all the way! The soft landing didn’t happen in 2023 but still looks good for 2024.  What happ...

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News, 07 Dec 2023

Central Banks Exercise Caution Amidst Inflation Battle

Economic Update - November 2023

Central banks are still waiting to see more data before declaring victory against inflation but it seems like the war has already been won. ”Happy Xmas (The war is over).” Even better, a soft landing still seems the most likely outcome for t...

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