News, 01 Oct 2024

No alarms and no surprises, please

Economic Update - September 2024

Even when central bankers are surprised, they do so conservatively. Jerome Powell cut rates 50 bps but then did his best to allay any concerns that the US economy is secretly worse than it seems. Meanwhile, in Oz, the RBA remains alert but not alar...

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News, 30 Aug 2024

Central Bank Cowboys

Economic Update - August 2024

What do central bankers like to do in their spare time? If the annual meeting in Jackson Hole Wyoming is a gauge, they like hiking and canoeing. Both activities typically follow a set route and are performed at a leisurely pace. Should we expect anythin...

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News, 17 Jul 2024

Lets hear it for R-Star

Chart of the Month - July 2024

No, r-star doesn’t stand for “rock star”! Rather, it is the official cash rate that has a neutral impact on an economy: neither contractionary nor expansionary. It is critical for both central bankers and investors. R-star is the i...

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Insights, 04 Jul 2024

Swimming Nude

Economic Update - June 2024

Tourist and alternative lifestyle mecca Byron Bay may be getting stripped of its nudist beach but it is the RBA that is getting embarrassed by larger than expected figures! Meanwhile, the EU has started cutting, the US remains on course for cuts, Japan ...

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Insights, 04 Jun 2024

Yielding to reality

Economic Update - May 2024

US consumers seem more Garfield than Furiosa at the moment with some good news on the inflation and consumer confidence fronts in May. Inflation may not be so sticky in the US after all? The Fed Reserve is however still talking tough. Inflation is still...

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News, 12 Jan 2024

Flight into 2024: December's Economic Departure Lounge

Economic Update - December 2023

The copyright to Peter Pan is now in the public domain. While Peter won’t grow up, we have economies that are not quite ready to slow down all the way! The soft landing didn’t happen in 2023 but still looks good for 2024.  What happ...

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News, 09 May 2023

Economic Update - April 2023

Fears of a financial meltdown in the US and Europe have faded and instead we have returned to regular broadcasting with slowing inflation and slowing economies. The UK with its stubborn inflation remains the odd country out. China is still benefiting fr...

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