News, 07 Dec 2023

Central Banks Exercise Caution Amidst Inflation Battle

Economic Update - November 2023

Central banks are still waiting to see more data before declaring victory against inflation but it seems like the war has already been won. ”Happy Xmas (The war is over).” Even better, a soft landing still seems the most likely outcome for t...

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News, 02 Jun 2023

Economic Update - May 2023

The OECD recently released its forecast for global GDP for 2023. At 2.7 percent, it is the lowest growth rate since the GFC. Around the world, economies are improving, but the fight with inflation remains heated and will eventually impact growth. China ...

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Insights, 01 May 2023

Chart of the Month - April 2023

The Big RBA Unwind During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the RBA pumped billions into the financial system. Now we are in the middle of the big unwind as the RBA looks to tighten financial conditions further in response to high inflation. ...

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News, 21 Dec 2022

Economic Update - December 2022

Positive economic results in December makes for a complex picture going forward. Central banks have seen enough of a slowdown in inflation to moderate their rate rises, but not enough of a slowdown in their economies to stop raising rates in Q1. Further...

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