News, 12 Jan 2024

Flight into 2024: December's Economic Departure Lounge

Economic Update - December 2023

The copyright to Peter Pan is now in the public domain. While Peter won’t grow up, we have economies that are not quite ready to slow down all the way! The soft landing didn’t happen in 2023 but still looks good for 2024.  What happ...

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News, 07 Dec 2023

Central Banks Exercise Caution Amidst Inflation Battle

Economic Update - November 2023

Central banks are still waiting to see more data before declaring victory against inflation but it seems like the war has already been won. ”Happy Xmas (The war is over).” Even better, a soft landing still seems the most likely outcome for t...

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Insights, 31 Oct 2023

Riding the growth wave of Asian private debt

At a Glance: The private debt market has witnessed a significant growth with total private markets assets under management (AUM) reaching $11.7 trillion as of June 30, 2022, largely driven by long-term lenders like pension funds and wealth manag...

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