News, 07 Dec 2023

Central Banks Exercise Caution Amidst Inflation Battle

Economic Update - November 2023

Central banks are still waiting to see more data before declaring victory against inflation but it seems like the war has already been won. ”Happy Xmas (The war is over).” Even better, a soft landing still seems the most likely outcome for t...

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Insights, 30 Sep 2023

The not so Grande Chinese property crisis

Chart of the Month - September 2023

When America sneezes, Australia catches a cold but what happens to Australia when China chokes on a property crisis? We are about to find out! The property sector represents around a quarter to a third of the Chinese economy. Rather than rebounding afte...

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News, 08 Feb 2023

Economic Update - January 2023

  A happy lunar new year saw a strong start to the year for Australian stocks as China looks to regather lost momentum in 2023. However, the RBA is looking to pop the party balloons with some more rate increases this year. Until we know we have...

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