Insights, 23 Jan 2024

The amazing growth of Australian renewable energy

Chart of the Month - January 2024

Australia’s renewable energy consumption grew by an average annual rate of 5.7% in the decade to 2021-22. In contrast, oil (-0.4%) and coal (-2.6%) consumption declined. Solar was the fastest growing renewable category at 29.8% followed by wind at...

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News, 12 Jan 2024

Flight into 2024: December's Economic Departure Lounge

Economic Update - December 2023

The copyright to Peter Pan is now in the public domain. While Peter won’t grow up, we have economies that are not quite ready to slow down all the way! The soft landing didn’t happen in 2023 but still looks good for 2024.  What happ...

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Insights, 31 Oct 2023

Riding the growth wave of Asian private debt

At a Glance: The private debt market has witnessed a significant growth with total private markets assets under management (AUM) reaching $11.7 trillion as of June 30, 2022, largely driven by long-term lenders like pension funds and wealth manag...

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Insights, 01 May 2023

Chart of the Month - April 2023

The Big RBA Unwind During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the RBA pumped billions into the financial system. Now we are in the middle of the big unwind as the RBA looks to tighten financial conditions further in response to high inflation. ...

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